My understanding is that the talk at the DC this year advised to minimize contact with non-witness family.
Designer Stubble
JoinedPosts by Designer Stubble
Has the org changed their position on associating with non-JW family?
by Wild_Thing init would take too long to explain how this conversation came about, but my jw sister recently told me that the organization now teaches that you can (she even suggested that you "should") have a relationship with family members who are not jw.
she didn't specify whether they meant family who were never jws to begin with, or what, but in the context of the conversation we were talking about family members raised as jws but then left (not disfellowshipped or formally disassociated ... just left).. she said they even had a talk about it at the convention this summer, and had an experience of someone who reconnected with family after 10 years.
she said they said you should have a relationship with them, even if they never become witnesses.
Do you believe the Bible?
by Cagefighter ini don't want to high jack african gb's thread but something got me thinking.... moses, abraham were inbred and hearing god's voice... paul never met jesus yet he is the only apostle coming down like a hammer of gays and has this "close bond" with timothy.
then there is the issue of "horus" the egyptian god and is this where the story of jesus comes from.
i have searched the internet for information on horus and have not had much luck finding anything authorative either way.. my question is do you or don't you believe in the bible and why or why not?
Designer Stubble
The part where the sun stood still strikes me as scientifically very likely.
The Bible is a literary masterpiece, a great book of myths, but no more than that.
The Book "The Bible Unearthed" is a great read.
“Accordingly the sun kept motionless, and the moon did stand still, until the nation could take vengeance on its enemies.”—Josh. 10:13 -
Most Ridiculous Thing You've Ever Been Counseled On
by MrFreeze ini'm sure topics like this have already come up but they tend to get hilarious with the absolute absurdity that goes on in the kh.
i was once counseled for not shaving after two days.
i was also counseled by a sister for eating lucky charms cereal.
Designer Stubble
To shave my well groomed beard off.
To wear a tie out in service even though it was a heat wave (WTF was I doing out in servce anyway).
Told that I should take the kids in the second school and spank them if they were not quiet...or better, go sit directly in the second school so as not to distract the congregation.
Designer Stubble
When I started researching my doubts, it was via the Internet that I found everything I needed. Without Internet I would almost certainly still be "in", perhaps somewhat more on my own terms, but certainly not out - and if out, not so sure of myself as I now am. I know for a fact that I made the right decision to leave and have absolutely no fear for Armageddon.
ok so your planes crashing towards earth... do you pray?
by highdose inhmm?
heres a question i was wondering about.. if you were in a situation like that, would you pray to god?.
i'm not sure i would.
Designer Stubble
According to a survey, 20% of the Atheists prays from time to time.
I was informed that the Convention was Fantastic
by cantleave inby a girl at work.
i asked "what specifically?".
"the symposiums were great, each segment was short enough to keep you engaged" was the response.. my reply "so the wts is catering for the short attention span tv generation.".
Designer Stubble
Name a specific point that was better than last year.
Name a specific point that was timely.
Name a specific point that was encouraging.
Thanks Blondie for your never ending wisdom. The Conventions start over here soon and I will make sure to ask these questions to my relatives should they bring up how wholesome it all was.
Question about haircuts
by XPeterX injw men shouldn't have long hair.then why can women have short hair?.
Designer Stubble
Because it is a cult. Give me a valid reason why a man cannot have a well groomed beard. Even jesus had one.
GB's response to rising Memorial partakers
by 5thGeneration inbr.
pierce addressed the rising number of memorial partakers at the convention on sunday.. he said that many are asking why the number of partakers is going up year after year.. his response (paraphrasing): "it's none of our business.
it's jehovah's business".. in other words, shut up and keep your place.. 5th.
Designer Stubble
At leats this shows that people are questioning it. If it isn't a problem they are faced with, it is simply not mentioned. So this is becoming a pain point. Certainly for years they were stating that the deminishing number showed how close to Armageddon we were, something now coming back to bite them.
Reports of Jesus' (death or resurrection) may have been later?
by Terry inconsider this possibility.
what if jesus' contemporaries, hanger's on, entourage, posse, disciples and apostles never gave a single thought at all.
to his having been raised from the dead?
Designer Stubble
There is not one single source, outside the Bible, that confirms Jesus even lived. Josephus makes mention of Jesus, but Josephus was born after Jesus died. Also the one paragraph that mentions the Christ is almost certainly added to his works later by others.
The Gospels themselves were written around 70CE, so also 35-plus years after Jesus died and not while roaming the med with him.
Field service reporting
by gutted inso one of the elders called asking for my time.
i lied, somewhat.
yes i did talk to people about the "truth" but not in favourable terms.. has anyone simply stated, "i have not been in service this month"?
Designer Stubble
It is fun to hand in your FSR with ZERO hours noted on it, yer the numeral 0. See the reaction.
Personally I just stopped reporting and never was questioned...but this is in Europe.